About Me

My photo
I've been cross stitching since I was a little girl, as both of my Grandmother's were passionate about it! I originally had this blog to enter some card making challenges and now intend to use it to keep track of my cross stitching stash and finishes.....

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

One Lovely Blog Award!

Being so new to the blogging world, it was lovely to find out that I have been nominated for this award by rosey175 over at ishkabibble.  Thank you so much rosey, hopefully it will bring a few new readers to my blog!

The purpose of this award is for bloggers to nominate fellow, mostly newer, bloggers that they wish to recognize. The goal is to bring attention to blogs that we think are "lovely" and enjoy reading. We hope others will enjoy reading these blogs also.

In order to accept the award, the nominated blogger must follow these rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you & link back to them in your post
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award

Now then seven facts about myself:

  1. I have lived with my DH in this house for 18 months and we have practically destroyed it and rebuilt it around us.  The first winter we had rain coming in through the roof and no heating!  Upstairs is now finished, but downstairs is another story.  Do not talk to me about dust.  That is why I do not work on many WIPs at a time at the moment!
  2. I love dogs and have two.  Fleur is my eight year old Golden Retriever and Hope is my 4 year old Flatcoated Retriever.  Hope also answers to the name of Dopey, so you can imagine what she is like.
  3. I tutor children in English and Maths that are struggling at school.  I love doing this and get great satisfaction from it.  My youngest child is 6 and my eldest is 16. So it's never boring!
  4. I live by the sea and don't think I could ever live far from water now.
  5. I always wished I had a sister and used to think it unfair that my brothers each had a brother and a sister, whereas I was stuck with just two brothers!
  6. I love gardening and can't wait till the house is finished and I can get started on the garden...
  7. Finally I hate shopping and avoid it when possible.
And now for my nominations, in no particular order.  I'm sure some have already been nominated before, but I wanted you all to know I appreciate your blogs and the time you all take on them.  Please don't feel obligated to participate, this is just my way of saying 'thank you' to you!
  1. Laura at xstitchatoz
  2. Jo at Serendipitious Stitching
  3. Cathy at Crafty Cat
  4. Amanda at Orangery Stitching
  5. Emily at xandraal
  6. Clare at Aimetu's Stitching
  7. Leigh at X Stitch Marks the Spot
  8. Jayne at Jayne's Stitching Tales
  9. Mrs GraceWorks at The Stampers Stitches
  10. Katy at Just a Little Stitchin

And thank you once again Ishkabibble Rosey for nominating me!

Happy stitching everyone.


  1. Yay, I am glad you figured it out~ :)

    Although I have had rain coming in through the roof, no heating would have been the end of me! I can just imagine walking around in 20 layers of sweaters. :D

  2. Ahoj Elle, objavila som ocenenie, ktoré je aj pre mňa. To si ho mám prevziať na svoj blog? Ďakujem pekne.

  3. Ooo, that's me! I was awarded this back in September and here's the link to my post:-
    Great to learn a little bit more about you.
